Marina Redina-Thomas

Ph.D. Candidate


Prior to joining the Department of Near Eastern Studies, Marina has received training in Assyriology in St. Petersburg, Russia, where she obtained Candidate of Sciences degree. In 2012-2013, she was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology working on her project about city administration in Kassite Babylonia. Marina has conducted archaeological fieldwork in Ukraine, Armenia, and Cyprus.

Committee members: Jonathan Tenney (chair), Lauren Monroe, Sturt Manning.

Research Focus

  • Assyriology
  • Kassite period in Babylonia
  • Administration and Bureaucracy
  • Near Eastern Archaeology
  • Environmental Archaeology
  • Digital Humanities


  • 2017 “Cuneiform Archives from Dūr-Enlillē: New Evidence on the Family of šandabakku of Kassite Nippur?” in Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Asian and African Studies, Vol. 9, Issue 4, 2017, pp. 365-376 [In Russian]
  • 2017 “Notes on the Administrative System of Nippur as a Provincial Center of Kassite Babylonia” in Lands and Peoples of the Orient, Vol XXXVII, pp. 121-135 [In Russian]
  • 2016 “State and International Relations in the Ancient Near East. Conference in Memoriam of Vladimir Aronovich Jacobson (St. Petersburg, September 23-24, 2015)” in Written Monuments of the Orient, Vol. 1(24), pp. 107-111 (with Dr. Ivan Bogdanov) [In Russian]
  • 2015 “Who Ruled the Sacred City of Nippur? Šandabakku of Nippur in the Written Sources of the Kassite Period” in Journal of Ancient History ( Vestnik Drevney Istorii ), Vol. 4, pp. 87-103 [In Russian]
  • 2015 “Archaeological Explorations of Ancient Mesopotamia: Cuneiform Archives from Kassite Nippur and Problems of Their Attribution” in Transactions of the Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 12, pp, 121-129 [In Russian]
  • 2015 “Problems and Perspectives of Studying the Kassite Period of Babylonian History” in Humanities and Sciences University Journal, Vol. 14, pp. 199-207 [In Russian]
  • 2015 “Middle Babylonian Letters and Texts of Kudurru Stelae” in Assyriology and Egyptology in St. Petersburg State University. Curriculum Programs for Undergraduate and Graduate Level Students, pp. 19-21 [In Russian]
  • 2015 “Enlil-kidinnī – šandabakku of Kassite Nippur” in The XXVIII International Conference on Historiography and Source Studies of Asia and Africa. Asia and Africa in the Changing World. 22-24 April, 2015. Abstracts, p. 312 [In Russian]
  • 2014 “His Seal Has Been Applied”: Ways of Verifying Cuneiform Documents in Nippur during the Kassite Period” in Transactions of Jewish Studies. Philology and Cultural Studies. Issue 3, pp. 299-313 [In Russian]
  • 2013 “Ethnic Diversity and Interactions of the Ethnic Groups in Kassite Babylonia on the Material of Nippur Archives” in The XXVII International Conference on Historiography and Source Studies of Asia and Africa. Local Heritage and Global Perspective. “Revolutionism” and “Traditionalism” in the East. April 24-26, 2013. Abstracts of Papers”, pp. 272-273 [In Russian]
  • 2007 “Studying El-Amarna Archives as a Source on History of Kassite Babylonia” in The XXIV International Conference on Historiography and Source Studies of Asia and Africa. April 10-12, 2007. Abstracts of Papers”, pp. 231-233 [In Russian]